The Ancient Library

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Antipater, 108

Antium, 225

Anxiety prompts the invention of

the sub-rite of divination, 136,

163 foil.

dirai’TT)trei.s, 173 Aphaka, divination at, in Apis, 231 Apollo, 6, 59, 61, 63, 64, 70, 72, 80,

81, 89, 90, 92, 96, 116, 127,

130, 143, 152, 210, 254, 2SS

vocal image of, engraved on a ring, 221

A. and the raven, 263

A. ‘AXeu/)6/«ii»Tis, 185

A. the Crested Lark, 256

A. Deiradiotes, 102, 126

A. rWafeus, 256

A. Ismenios, 185, 232

Karnean A., 96

A. Mupucaios, 227, 228

A. Philesios, 82

A. Spodios, 231 Apollonios of Tyana, 88, 249 Aponus, spring of, 149 Appian, 271 Appius, 237 Apuleius, 103, 153, 159

A.’s theory of purity, 161 Aratos, 263 Aretaeus, 198 Arethusa, 119 Argolis, 118 Argonauts, 266 Argos, 95, 120, 143, 224 Aristeas, 257 Aristides, 128

Aristodemos, the sons of, 148 Aristomenes, 94 Aristophanes, 77, 97 Aristotle, 108, 220 Arkadia, 134 Artemidoros, 128, 171 Artemis, Ephesian, 267

A. Kolainis, 256

A. Orthia, 223 arts of divination, 8, 55

simple origin of, 183

practised by mantels of historical period, 92

arunquiltha, 20

Asia Minor, the home of astragalo­mancy, 213 Asklepiadai, 61 Asklepios, 64, 72, 89, 109 oracles of, 129 A. and healing springs, 135 Asopos, 118, 197

assertion, force of, in spells, 34 foil. Asteria, 80 astragali in temples, 206 foil.

cast in front of a deity, 207 foil, astragalomancy, system of, 213 foil, astrology, 44, 172, 275 Atalanta, 119 Athena, 78, 93, 128, 255 A. and the Thriai, 210 A. Aedon, 256 A. Aithyia, 256 A. Alea, 208 A. Phemia, 232 Skiradian A., 208, 209, 269 Athens, 48, 52, 61, 64, 91, 95,

117, 142

altar of Pheme at, 234 swearing on sacred stone at, to4 Atreus, 70 Aubrey, 31 Augilai, 130 augmenia, 194 augurium distinguished from

auspicium, 269 augurs, 56, 72 augury, 246 foil.

in historical period a sacrificial

sub-rite, 187, 249 Augustus, 136 auspicium distinguished from

augurium, 269

authority, appeal to a. in the inter­pretation of signs, 182 Avernus, a gate to Hades, 237 aversion of omens, 49 axinomancy, 219

Babylonian influence on Greek

extispication, 188-197 Bakidai, 79, 93

Bakis, 52, 60, 76, 93, 139, 141 Balaam, 41, 51

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