Scanned text contains errors.
Frentaxi, a tribe of Samnitcs, settled on
the coast of the Adriatic, bet. Frento fl.,
whence their name, and Aternus fl. Frentus n,, a r. of Daunia, Apul., running
into the Adriatic below Teanum. Forlore. Frkscilia, a town of the Marsi, Ital., near
Plestinia. Civitella. Frigid*, Maurit., i. q. Thymiaterium. Frigidarium, a town of the Macrones,
Pontus, bet. Pyte (G) and Patara (8), under
Tekes m. Frigidus fl,, a r. of Venetia, running by
Fluvius Frigidus. Urpacfi. Fb.iniates, a maritime tribe in Gallia Cis-
padana, N. of Letus m., on the confines of
the Apuani. Frisiobones, a tribe of Frisii, about Flevus
lacus. Frisii (Phreisii, Phrisii, Prisiones, "fresh,
new land people"), a tribe of Ingsevones,
on Germanicus oc., below the Chauri.
They were divided into Majores towards
the sea, and Minorca inland. Frusino, a town of the Hernici, Latinm, on
Cosa fl., bet. Ferentinum (7) and Fregellse
(14), on Via Latina. Fnmnone. Fruste.nije, a town of the Vestini, Picenum,
bet. Aveia (2) and Alba Fucentia (18),
on Via Valeria. Ocre. Fccinus lacus, a lake of the Marsi, s.E. of
Tibur, in circuit 40 m. Its superfluous
waters were diverted to Liris fl., by a
canal constructed in the reign of Claudian.
Ijago di Celano: L. di Fitcino. Fulginium, a town of Umbria, on Via Fla-
minia, bet. Trebia (5) and Forum Fla-
minii (3). Foliyno. Fulsinium, a town of Curicta ins. Fulsui^k, a town of the Hirpini, Samnium,
near Cala fl. Montepisco. Fundancs sin., I. i. q. Amyclanns sin. II.
lacus, a lake of Latium, at Fundi. Fundi, a town of the Volsci, in Latium,
near the N.e. extremity of Fundanus lac.,
bet. Tarracina (13) and FormijE (12), on
Via Appia. A colonia of Augustus.
Fondi. Furconium, a town of the Vestini, Picen.,
on Aternus fl., towards the confines of
Sabinium. Forconio.
Gaash m., a hill of Ephraim, near Timnath-
Sera. Gaba, a town of Galilsea, bet. Ptolemais and
Cajsarea (16). Gabachus fl., a r. of Meroe.
Gab.*:, I. a palace of the kings of Persia, in Persis Prop., on Cyrus fl., S.e. of Pasar-gada. II. Gabaza, a town of Sogdiana, N. of Maricanda. Kaibas.
Gabaljs (Giblim), a town of Cassiotis, Syria?, s. of Laodicea. Jibili.
Gaiiali, I, a town of the Gabali, s. of An-deritum, in Aquitania, and tlieir capital after the destruction of that city. Javols. II. a people of Aquitania I., under Ce-venna m. w., bet. the Ruteni and the Helvii. Gevaudan.
Gabalicus pagus, a district of the Gabalir about Lesara m. Noted for its cheese, and for some silver mines.
Gabara, a town of Galilsa Superior, N. of Dio Cajsarea.
Gabaza, i. q. Gabs, Sogdiana.
Gabellus fl., Gall. Cispad. i. q. Secies.
Gabiene, a district of Susiana Elymais, on Coprates fl., above Cissia.
Gabii, I. a town of the Latini, Latium, on Via Praenestina, bet. Rome (12) and Prse-neste (11). A settlement from Alba; sacred to Juno. Nearly destroyed in the civil wars, but restored by Antoninus. The nurture-place of Romulus and Remus. The death-place of Tarquinius. The locality of the decisive defeat of the Gauls by Camillus. A colonia and municipium. Here was invented the Cinctus Gabinus, a peculiar mode of arranging the toga. Osteria dello Pantano. II. a town erf Sabinium, N. of Cures, on or near Via Salaria. Grotte di Torn ; Torri.
Gabra, a town of Persis Prop., near Pasar-gada, w.N.w.
Gabrantvici, a tribe of Parisi, Brit., N. of Ocellum prom.
Gabrantvicortjm portus, a haven of the Gabrantvici, Brit. Bridlington Bay.
Gabreta silva, a part of Hercynia Silva, Germanise, s. of Sudeti m. E. Thuringer-walil.
Gabri, a people of Sarmatia Asiat., towards Cissii m.
Gabris, a town of the Bituriges Cubi, Aqni-tania L, on the Ljgcr, bet. Tasciaca and Avaricum.
Gabromagus, a town of the Taurisci, Nori-cum, near Anisus fl., R., bet. Emolatium and Siriate. Windischffratz.
Gabrosentum, a town of the Brigantesf Brit., near the w. termination of Hadriani murus, s. Ih^umburgh.
Gabula, a town of Chalybonitis, S}T., N.e. of Chalcis.
Gabuleds, a town of the Penestse, Illyria, at the junction of Drilo Niger with Drilo Albusfl.