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Named from Jassus opp. G. of Hassan-Kalessi.
Jassus (Jasus), I. a town of Caria, on a peninsula of Jassicus sin. N. An Argive colony. Noted for its striped red and white marble. Assem. II. of Melitene, Cappadocia. Jast<e (Histi), a people of Scythia i. Imaum,
on Jastus fl.
Jastus fl., a r. of Scythia i. Imaum, Jasulones, a town of Valeria, Fannonia,
bet. Acincum and Corsio. Jathrippa, a town of the Darrse, Arabia,
N.e. of Jambia. Yathreb; Medina.
Jatii, a people of Sogdiana, on the Jaxartes.
Jatinum, postea Meldi, Fixtuinum, a town
of the Meldi, Lugdunensis IV., on Albafl.,
R., above Cale. Meaux.
Jatrum, a town of the Moesi, Moesia Inf.,
on the Danube, bet. Ad Novas and Tri-
manium, at the mouth of Jatnis fl.
Jatrus (lantrus, Athrys) fl., a r. of Moesia,
rising in Haemus m. near Ad Radices, and
falling into the Danube at J at rum. It
separated the Mysi from the Getce.
Jattir (Jethira), a town of Simeon, Judgea, of Arad. Jaxartje, a people of Scythia, on the Jax-
Jaxartes fl., ar. of Scythia, rising in Imaus m., and, after a course of 1682 m., falling
• into an inland sea (the sea of Aral) E. of
the Caspian. -Sir. Jazer, a town of the Ammonites, on Jabbok
fl., 15 m. from Heshbon. Jaxamat* (Ixomata?), a tribe of Asiatic
Scythians, on the Tanais. Jazyges, a people of Sarmatia Eur., on the
• coast of Palus Mseotis, bet. Borysthenes fl. and the Roxolani.
Jazyges metanast^e, " wanderers," a tribe of Zazyges, settled in Dacia, bet. Tibiscus fl. and the Danube, s. of the Bastarnee.
Jebba, in Pliny, i. q. Hepha.
Jebusit^e (Jebussei), one of the seven tribes of Canaan, about Jebus (Jerusalem). Descendants of Jebus, son of Canaan.
Jehud, a town of Judffia, bet. Antipatris N. and Lydda s.
Jemkrii, a tribe of Caturiges, Gallise, on Druentia fl. About St. Jemmes.
Jena sest., an aestuary of the Selgovse, Brit., E. of Abravannus sin. Wigton bay.
Jenysus, a town of Judsea, near the sea, bet. Gaza N.e. and Rhinocura s.w. (24 geog. m.) Kan Younes.
Jerabrica (Hierabrica), a town of the Lusi-tani, on the Tagus, bet. Scalabis N.e. and Olisippo s.w.
Jerach^ei, Arabiffi, i. q. Minaei. Jerach-eorum ins., an isl, of Arabia Felix, on the Red sea, s.s.w. of Mamala. Serene.
Jerach^eorum (Jerachum) vicus, a town of the E. Jerachsei (Minsei), Arabite, on Canis fl., L., towards its source. Djar; Osjan. Jericho (Hierachus, Jericus), a city of Benjamin, bet. Jerusalem (20) and the Jordan (2). Called by Moses " The city of palm-trees." Named from the worship of Jerah (Luna). Destroyed by the Israelites. A new city of the same name (the abode of Elisha) was built in its vicinity. At or near Riha.
Jernus (Juvernus) fl., a r. of Hibernia, w.f separating the Velibori from the Cori-andi.
Jerusalem. Vide Hierosolyma. Jespus, a town of the Lacetani, Tarraco-
nensis, bet. Anatis w. and Egara E. Jet^e (Jsetae), a town of Sicily, at the source
of Bathys fl. Jato.
Jezreel (Esdrael), " God’s seed," I. Vallis, i. q. Esdraelon. II. postea Stradela (Par-vum Gerinum), a royal city of Manasseh, in Esdraelon Vallis, bet. Csesarea Palestina w. and Bethsan E. Here was a palace of the kings of Israel. Zerin. III. ofJudah. Jineus m., a ridge of Apennines, towards
Corfinium. Jobares fl., i. q. Jomanes. Jobarit/e, rectiiis Jobabita:, a people of Arabia Felix, in the desert, next to the Sachalitse. Descendants of Job. £eni-Jubar. Jobia (Zobia), a town of Pisidia, near Ter-
Jodob, a district of Arabia Felix, in the desert ; occupied by the Jobaritse. Jobula, a town of Albania, on Albanus fl.,
towards its source.
Joctan (Kahtan), the Scriptural name of the region of Arabia Felix, on the borders of the desert, N.e. of Usal and Seba. Jokleel (Petra), a town of the AmalekitEe,
s. of Acrabbim m. Jokneam, a town of Zebulun, on Kison fl.,
s. of Ptolemais, towards its mouth. Jol, the local name of Ceesarea, in Mauritania Csesar.
Jol.ei, an early people of Sardinia, N. Jomanes fl., Indi&e, i. q. Diamuna. Jomnium, a maritime town of Mauritania Czesar., bet. Rusippisir (38) and Rusucur-rum. Alschier. Fomusa, a town of India, on the Indus, L.,
below the confluence of the Acesines, (ontora, a town of the Commoni, Gallise. Jonqnieres.