Scanned text contains errors.
Kisloth, vide Chesuloth.
Kokaba, a town of Itursea, s.w. of Damascus.
Koreathe, a town of Auranitis, N. of Zara.
Kopur, a town of Arabia, on the Red Sea, towards Arga. Abu Aijan.
Krith fl., a stream of Benjamin, running from near Bethel into the Jordan, below Jericho.
Labanatis (Labanis) ins., an isl. of the
Omanitae, Arabiae, at the s. extremity of
Duatus sin.
Labara, a town of Caria. Labbana. Vide Lebana. Labeates, a people of Iliyria, extending inland, bet. the Damatse and the confines of
Mresia. Labeatis palus, a lake of the Labeatcs,
Iliyria, on the borders of the Dalmatae,
formed by Barbana fl. Lago di Scutari. Labecia, a town of Arabia Felix, towards
the Red sea, s.w. of Nagara. Al
Beish. Laherus, a town of the Chauci, Hiberniae,
s. of Eblana. Labicum (Lavici), a town of the Latini,
Latium, on Via Labicana, 15 m. S.e. of
Rome, bet. Prseneste and Algidum. A
colonia from Alba, prior in date to Rome.
Caesar had a villa in the neighbourhood.
A municipium; a colonia 4lit B.c. Co-
lonna. Labisco, a town of the AUobroges, Vien-
nensis, bet. Lemincum N.e. and Morgin-
num s.w. Labona fl., a r. of Liguria, falling into
Ligusticus sin. at Ad Navalia. Labotas fl., a r. of Apamene, Syria, falling
into the Orontes, towards Antiochia.
Aswad. Labranda, a town of Caria, C m.
from Mylasa. Famous for a temple of
Jupiter Labrandenus or Labradeus (" with
the hatchet"). Built by Labrandus the
Curete. Labris, a town of Arabia Felix, under
Marithae m., S.e., bet. Gerra and Inapha.
El Labrin. Labus m., a m. of Hyrcania, towards Zadra-
carta. Labuta m., a N.e. continuation of Caspius
m., separating Hyrcania from Parthia.
Lacanitis, a district of Cilicia, about
LACED.tMox, a Lacedaemonian town of Cyprus.
Laced^emonia, a name of Laconia, from Lacedaemon its king, son of Semele. The name was afterwards applied to the capital.
Lacene, a town of Byzacene, on Syrtis Minor, bet. Silvani presidium and Ad Palmam.
Lacekea, a town of Magnesia, Thessaly, at the source of Amyrus fl., N.w. of Meli-boea, towards Baebe lac. The birth-place of Corone, mother of j^sculapius. Lacetani (Jaccetani), a people of Tarraco-nensis, s. of the Ceretani. Part of Catalonia. Lachere, a town of the Homeritse, Arabiae,
N. of Arabiae Felicis Emp. Lachish, a town of Juda, Judaea, 7 m. s. from Eleutheropolis. The death-place of Amaziah.
Laciaca, a town of the Sevaces, Noricum, bet. Tergolape and Tarnantum (14). Vockelmarkt. Laciacus lac., a lake of Noricum, at Lacia-
ca. Traunzee.
Laciadje, a clemus of Attica, of the tribe Oeneis, w. of Sciron, on the Via Sacra. Named after the hero Lacius. The birthplace of Miltiades. Here dwelt Phylalus, whom Ceres taught the culture of the fig. Agia Saba. Laciburgium, a town of the Teutones, Ger-
maniae, on Lagnus sin., E. of Marionis. Lacina, a town of Phrygia Magna, N.e. of
Lacinium (Naus) prom., a pr. of Bruttium, at the s.w. entrance of Tarentinus sin., S.e. of Crotona (6). Here was a temple of Juno Lacinia, traditionally founded by Hercules, in which was the Helen of Zeuxis, and a famous pillar of gold. C. Nao, or C. delle Colonne. Lacippo, a town of the Turtetani, Bsetica,
bet. Oningis N.n.e. and Barbesula s. Lacmon m., a m. of Paroraea, Epirus, E. of
Tymphe m. Politzi.
Lacobardi, a tribe of Chatti, Germ., unde’ Rhetico m., E., extending bet. the Rhine, near Confluentes, to the springs of Adrana fl.
Lacobriga, I. a town of the Cuneus, Lusi-tania, E. of Sacrum prom. Lagos. II. of the Vaccssi, Tarraconensis, on Pisoraca fl., N. of Pailantia. Lobera. LACONiA(LacOnike,Lacedaemonia),acountry of Peloponnesus, bounded N. by Arcadia and Argolis, s. and E. by the ^Egean, w.