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Lycia, and falling into Maeander fl. towards Tripolis. In its course, it disappears for some time under ground. Djok-Bounai. IX. of Pontus, rising in Armenia Minor, w. of Aza, and falling into the Euxine s.w. of Amisus. Yeshil-Ermak. X. of Sarmatia As., falling into the Tanais above Tanais. XI. of Sarmatia E., fall­ing into Palus Maeotis E. of Agaris fl. Kalmius.

Lydda (Lud), postea Diospolis, a town of Judlea, bet. Joppa N.w. and Emmaus S.E. The scene of the cure of ^Eneas by St. Paul. Lud.

Lydia, I. prius Mseonia, a country of Asia Minor, bounded N. by Mysia, at Hermus n., s. by Caria, at Maeander n., w. by Ionia, E. by Phrygia Magna. Peopled successively from Syria (from towards Ba­bylon), and from Phoenicia, by Leleges, Caucones, and Pelasgi, and by Mossi from Thrace and Thessaly. Under Croesus, the kingdom extended from Halys fl. to the jEgean. Named from Lydus, son of Atys, or from Lud, son of Shem. II. a town of Cassiotis, Syriaa, E., on the Orontes, E. of Bacataili. Schoghor.

Lydias fl., ar. of Bottisea, Macedonia, rising in Pellaeus lacus and falling into Thermai-cus sin. below Ichnse. Carismaik.

Lygdamum, a town of Mysia.

Lygies, i. q. Ligures.

Lygii (Lugii, Lugiones), a people of Ger-mania Mag., bet. Vistula and Viadrus ffl., s. of the Vindili, E. of Asciburgius m. Named from the close league subsisting among their various tribes.

Lygon, a town of Pisidia, w. of Caralitis pal. near the source of Lysis fl.

Lyle, a town of Arcadia. lacus, a lake of Acarnania, below Lymneea N.w. and Argos Amphilochum, 6 m. long. Nizero.

Lyncestis aqua, an acidulous spring bet. Heracles Lyncestis and Bcva, the waters of which were said to have an inebriating eflect. Eceisso Verbeni.

Lyncecs, I. a r. of Etruria, rising N.e. of Vetulonii and falling into the sea E. of Populonium. Corina. II. a lake of Etruria, formed by Lynceus fl. just above its mouth. L.

Lyncus (Lyncestis), the country of the Lyncestae, Macedonia, on the borders of Illyria. Bounded N. by Deuriopus, f,. by Orestis and EordEea, w. by Dassaretia, E. by Botti<ea and Emathia.

Lyxcus, i. q. Heraclca Lyncestis.

Lypkrus m., a summit of Olympus in Bithynia.

Lynxama, a town of Meroe.

Lyrbe (Lyrope), a town of Pamphylia, to­wards Etenna.

Lyrc^ea (Lyrcseum), a town of Argoh’s, under Lyrcseus m., bet. Argos (7i) and Orneae (7£). m., a m. of Argolis, 10 m. N.w. of Argos.

Lyrnatia, a fortress of Lycia, on a cog-nominal peninsula.

Lyrnas, Pamphyliae, i. q. Lyrnessus.

Lyrnessus, I. a Syro-Phcenician town of JJolis Asiat., on Evenus fl., 10 m. s. from Adramyttium. The town of Bryseis, de­stroyed by Achilles. II. (Lyrneas), a maritime town of Pamphylia, s. of At-taleia. Founded by Cilicians of Troas. Ernatia. III. a name of Tenedos ins.

Lysias (Lysinia), a town of Phrygia Mag., on Lysis fl., E. of Themisonimn. Founded by Alexander.

Lysimachia, I. a town of JEtolia, s.w. of Trichonius lac., bet. Chalcis and Arsinoe. Built by Arsinoe, and named by her in honour of her first husband Lysimachus. II. a city of Chersonesus Thracia, on Melas sin. Founded by Lysimachus, and partly peopled from Cardia. It was re­stored by Antiochus, and again by Jus­tinian, who named it Hexamilion, the isthmus at that point being six miles across.

Lysimeha, a lake or marsh formed by Anapus fl., Sicilian, near its mouth.

Lysinoe (Lysinia), a town of Pisidia, N.e. of Cormasa, near Pisidicus lacus.

Lysis fl., a r. of Pisidia, falling into Ca-tarrhactes fl.

Lystra, a town of Lycaonia, 30 m. s. of Iconium, N.w. of Derbe. Noted in the history of St. Paul. Khatoun Serai.

Lyt.e, a town of Thessaly, near Tempe.

Lytarxis prom., a pr. of Sarmatia, on Borealis Oceanus.


Maagrammtjm, a city of Taprobane, under

Galibi m., E. towards Procuri. Maarsares fl., i. q. Naarsares. Mac.-e, I. a tribe of Omanits, Arab., on

Persicus sin. The Naumachaei of Pliny.

II. a people of Africa Prop., on the s.w.

coast of Syrtis Major, towards Cinyps fl. . Macala, a town of Bruttium, 3 m. inland

from the Ionian Sea, 15 m. N. from

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