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Crotona. Founded by Philoctetes, who was worshipped there.

Macanit^e, a people of Mauritania Ting., s. of Atlas Minor, bet. the Bacuates and the Herpeditani.

Macareje, a town of Arcadia, on the left bank of Alpheus fl., 2j m. s.w. from Me­galopolis.

Macaria, I. ins., an isl. of Egypt, in the Red Sea, N. of Pani ins. II. regio, a dis­trict of Messenia, on Pamisus fl., v. of CalaniiE. III. (Nagidos), a town of Cyprus, 2| m. K. of Ceronia.

Macarij* fons, the fountain of Macaria, daughter of Hercules, at Marathon, in Attica.

Macharta, a town of Mygdonia, Mesop., on Arzamo fl., bet. Ressaina and Nisibis.

Maccala, a maritime town of the Adramita;, Arab., bet. Cane and Sochor. Maculla.

Maccar.*, a town of Phthiotis, in Thessaly, N. of Pharsalus.

Maccolalingje, a tribe of Calingse, India, E. of the Ganges.

Macedni, the early name of the Macedones and of the Dores, in their original seat in Estiaeotis, in Thessaly, under Pindus m.

Macednon, a district of Macedonia, near Pindus m. The original seat, especially, of the Macedones.

Macedones aschylicje, i. q. Myso-Mace-dones.

MACEDONiA(Macetia),jt)ritMEmathia,acoun-try of Europe, bounded N. by Moesia, s. by Thessalyandthe^Egean,w.byIllyria,andE. by Thrace. An original seat, with Thrace, of the Pelasgi or Tyrrheni. Established as a kingdom, according to some authors, by Caranus or Gavanus, descendant of, son of Hercules ; but, according to Herodotus and Thucydides, by Perdic-cas, another of the Temenidte of Argos. The name, traditionally derived from Ma-cedo, son c;f Jupiter or Osiris, at first de- i rignated only the district of Macednon, | near Pindus in.

Macedonia adjecta, the portion of Mace­donia and Thrace bet. Strymon n. and Nestus fl. So called because added to the Macedonian territory by Philip, son of Amyiitas.

Macela prom., a pr. of Arabia Felix, at the entrance of Persicus sin.

Macella, a town of Sicily, S.e. of Se-gesta.

Macepracta, a town of Babylonia, on the Euphrates, L., above Pirisabora.

Macepracta (Maifarekin), a paved canal, communicating bet. the Euplirates and the Tigris, s. of Medius Murus.

Macestus (Magestus) fl., a r. of Mysia, rising in Abbaitis regio, and, after passing through Miletopolis palus, falling into Rhyndacus fl. below Lopadium. Mikalick.

Maceta prom., a pr. of Arabia, N. of Asa-borum prom.

Machelones, a people of Colchis, on the Euxine, at first towards Maeotis, and, sub­sequently, removed s. towards the Ma-crones.

Macmorc^, a town of Arabia Felix, on Per­sicus sin., v.’. of Ciiscan. Rcgama, or Ramah Rums.

Machlyes, a people of Africa, contiguous to the Lotophagi.

Maci, a people of Bactria, bet. Caucasus Indicus and Oxus fl. Maka.

Macistus m., a summit of Lepetymnus m.

Macistus (Platanistus), a town of Triphylia in Elis, N.e. of Lepidseum. Built by the Caucones ; with a temple of Hercules Ma-cistius. ZIofkitza.

Macs a, a town of the Nabathsei, in Arabia Petnea, S.e. of yElana.

Macolium, a of the Iverni, Hibern., N.e. of luernis. Near Kilbcyyan.

Macomades, I. a town of Byzacene, on Syrtis Min., bet. Thunse (27) and Cells Picentina (20). A municipium. II. sur-named Psyllorum, a town of the Psylli, in Africa Propria, on Syrtis Maj., bet. Eu-phranta and Sur.

Macopsisa, a town of the yEchilenenses, Sardinia, bet. Gurulis Nova and Luquido.

Macoraba, capital of the Macoritse, Arab., N.e. of Zaaram Regia. Mecca.

Macorit.b, a people of Arabia Felix, s. of the Salapeni.

Macph a, a town of the Chatramotitse, Arab., on Priou fi., N. of Abisama.

JlACKAfl., of Italy, risingin Balistam., and falling into Tyn-licnium mare at Luna. The boundary of Liguria and Etruria. Mayra. II. ins., an isl. of Sarmatia Europ., on Carcinites sin.

Jiacka come, a town of the yRnianes, in Thessaly, N. of Sperchius fi., E. of Sperchise. Macrcsi.

Macra stoa, the emporium of Athens, at Pirxus.

Macr.i!*, rocks N.w. of the Acropolis of Athens, where was a grotto sacred to Apollo and Pan.

Maciu, I. a town of Mauritania Cffisar., bet. Cellcc and Zabi. II. the people occupying Macri Cimipi, in Italy. III. campi, the plain bet. Regium Lepidi and Sicimina and Papinius montes. A great cattle fair was held here every year. IV. ins., an isl. of Lycia, on Glaucus sin. Makri.

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