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" port of the mouse," a port of Thebais, on the Red sea, bet. Arsinoe and Philo-tera. Named from th* intricacy of- its entrance. Svffanyc al Bahri. Myra, one of the six cities of Lycia, on An-
driacus fl., 2i m. from its mouth. Myr.e, a town of Magnesia, in Thessaly, on
the coast, bet. Peneus fl. and Eurymnre. Myrcinus, a town of the Edones, in Thrace, on Strymon fl. Rich in timber and in mines. It was granted by Darius to Histiajus of Miletxis. Cleon the Athenian was killed at the siege of this place. Or-pliano,
Myrhina, a town of Lemnos ins., opposite Athos m., the shadow of which, according to Pliny, was visible in the forum of this town, a distance of 37 m., in the summer solstice. Castro.
MYRiiNDRUS, a town of Cilicia, near Alexandria ad Issum, w. A Phoenician settlement. Myriangeli, a later name of Gcrma, in
Galatia. Myrcion, a village of the Tolistoboii, in
Galatia, bet. Germa and Vindia. Myrina, posted Sebastopolis, the most ancient of the twelve cities of jEolis Asiat., on Elseaticus sin., 5 m. w. from Gryneum. Built by Myrinus. Nemourt. Myrina, a town of Crete, N. of Lyetus.
Mirina. Myhinus campus, the district about Myrina,
in j"Eolis Asiat.
Myriocephalus, Phrygiss, i. q. Holmi, Myrlia, the early name of Apamea, in Bi-thynia, from Myrleus, the Colophonian general, or from the Amazon Myrlea. Destroyed by Philip, son of Demetrius. The birth-place of Asclepiades the grammarian. Myrlianus sin., Bithynise, i. q. Cianus
Myrmeces ins., islets of Ionia, in Hermius sin., s. of Leucre, opposite the former mouth of Hermus fl.
MYRMECiuM.atown ofTauricaChersonesus, on Bosporus Cimmerius, E. of Pantica-pseum. Myrmex ins., an isl. of Cyrenaica, off Phycus
prom. w.
Myrmidones, vide vEgina ins. Myrmissus (Mermessus), a town of Mysia,
near Gergithium.
Myronis ins., an isl. of the Troglodytae, in the Red sea, N. of Deorum Salutaris portus. Marata.
Myrrhifera regio exterior, a region of Arabia Felix, on the s. coast, bet. Macpha and Saphar. Myb.riiifera regio interior, a mountain-
ous district of Arabia Felix, towards the Red sea, iv. ofSaba. Mountains E.ojTayf. Myrrhin-us, " full of myrtles," a demus of Attica, of the tribe Pandicnis, on the ^5gean, s. of liaise Araphenides. Myrsinus, postea Myrtuntium, a town of Epea, in Klis, towards the coast, 0 m. N.w, from Elis. Kalcteichos. Myrtium, a town of the Ciranes, in Thrace. Myrtos ins., an isl. of Euboea, lying w. of its s. extremity. Named after Myrto, and itself giving name to Myrtoum mare. Myhtoum mare, the portion of the /Egean bet. Argolis and Attica w., and the Cy-clades E., extending s. to the extremity of Laconia.
Myrtuntium, I. a salt lake of Acarnania, s.
of Actium. Layo tli Vclkharia. II. a
town of Acarnania, on Myrtuntium lacus.
Kysaris prom., the s. extremity of Achillei
cursus, Sarmatia.
JIYSECROS (Masora) fl., a r. of the Omanitge, Arabia Felix, falling into the sea bet. Acilla and Damnia. Moiesar. Mysi (Mcesi), the people of Mcesia, along
the Danube to Jaterus fl. Mysia, " beech," I. a country of Asia Minor, bounded x. by the Propontis and Hellespont, s. by Lydia, w. by the JEgean, E. by Bithynia and Phrygia. Settled by Mcesi from Thrace, some time before the siege of Troy. II. a town of Aria, on the confines of the Masdora m. Mysia major, the s. portion of Mysia in
Asia Minor. Mysia minor, or Olympena, the N. portion
of Mysia in Asia Minor. Mysius fl., a r. of Mysia, rising in Temnus
m., and falling into Caicus fl. Mysocoras portus, a port of Maurit. Tingit,
w. bet. Phthuth fl. and Solis m. Safi. Myso-macedones (Aschilacae), a people of
Central Mysia. Mystia, a town of Bruttium, N. of Cocyn-
thum prom. Monastcraci. Mystus ins., one of the Ecliinades ins. Mythi":lopis (i. q. Basilinopolis), a town of Bithynia, on Ascania palus, N.w. Dscher-anite. Mytistratum (Amistrata), a town of Sicily,
E. or Paropus. Mit-tretta. Myus, Cilic., i. q. Myanda. Myus, one of the twelve cities of Ionia, bet. Priene and Miletus. Founded by Cydrelus, son of Courus. It was bestowed by Arta-xerxes upon Themistocles, to supply the cost of his table. It became so infested with gnats, owing to the accumulation of mud, that the inhabitants removed.