The Ancient Library

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Pyren.ei m., m. of Europe, separating Gal lia from Hispania, and in various ridges intersecting the northern portion of the latter country; in total extent 294 m. The Pyrenees.

Pyren^bus (Aphrodisium) portus, a port of the Indigetes, Tarraconensis, within Aphro­disium prom.

Pyretus fl., Poras, i. q. Parata.

Pyrgenses, a people of Achaia.

Pyrgi, I. a maritime town of Etruria, on Via Aurelia, bet. Ad Turres (12) and Castrum Novum(S). A Pelasgic settlement. Noted for its luxury. The port of Caere. A co-lonia. Here was a temple of Lucina, plun­dered by Dionysius of Syracuse 386 B.c. Santa Severa. II. (Pyrgos), a town of Triphylia in Elis, at the mouth of Neda fl. Bouzi.

Pyrgit^e, a name of the Cretans.

Pyrgum prom., a pr. of Celtica, Lusitania, N. of Sacrum prom.

Pyrgus euphranta, a maritime town of Syrtis Reg., bet. Macodama w. and Arse Philaenorum E.

Pyrinthus, a town of Caria.

Pyrnus, a maritime town of Persea, in Caria, E. of Pisilis.

Pyron^ea, a town of the Locri Opuntii.

Pyrrha, I. an isl. of Caria. II. a pr. of jEolis Asiat., at the s. entrance of Adramyttenus sin., over against Gargara prom. (15). With a temple of Venus. Karatape-bouroun; C. San Nicolo. III. a headland of Phthiotis, in Thessaly, E. of Pyrasus. Ankistri. IV. a town of Caria, on Laconicus sin., s.E. of Miletus. Sari-komer. V. (Pirias), of Euboea, Named after Pyrrha, wife of Deucalion. VI. of Lesbos, at the head of Euripus, 10 m. N.w. from Mitylene. Caloni. VII. an early name of Thessaly, after Pyrrha, wife of Deucalion.

Pyrrhi castra, Lacon., i. q. Xarax.

Pyrrhicus, a town of Laconia, N.w. of Teuthrone. With a temple of Diana Astrateia, and Apollo Amazonius ; whence Achilles sailed to marry Hermione. Here Silenus was educated. Pirrhichina.

Pyrron, a district of Mauritania Ting., bet. Diur m. and Phocra m.

Pystus, a town of Caria.

Pythangelon portus, a port of Ethiopia, towards Avalites sin. Noted for its ele­phant-hunts.

Pytheca, a fortress of Bithynia, at one of the passes of Olympus m.

Pythis prom., a pr. of Libya ^Egypti, at Parse to uium.

Pythium, I. a town of Pelagonia Tripolis,

in Thessaly, N.e. of Dodona. Named after a celebrated temple here of Apollo. II. i. q. Pythopolis, of Bithynia.

Pytho, the early name of Delphi.

Pythopolis, I. the early name of Antiochia ad MBeandrum. II. (Pythium), a town of Bithynia, on Ascanius lac., N., 15 m. E. from Cius. Remarkable for springs which failed in winter and overflowed in summer. Built by Theseus.

Pytna m., I. a summit of Ida Asiat., to­wards Scepsis. Named from the Cretan Pytna. II. an early name of Hierapytna, in Crete.

Pyxas, a village of Cos, sacred to Apollo.

Pyxirates fl., a r. of Armenia Int., rising in Scordisci m., E. of Theodosiopolis, and falling into the Euphrates above Dascusa. According to Pliny, a name of the Eu­phrates ; while Strabo says the Euphrates rises in Caranitis towards its source.

Pyxites fl., a r. of Pontus, falling into the Euxine at Marthyla.

Pyxds prom., I. a pr. of Lucania, s. of Melphes fl. Capo degli Infreschi. II. (Puxoes), the Greek name of Buxentum opp., and of Buxentus fl., in Lucania.


Quadi, a people of Germania Magna, bounded E. by Sarmatia, at Granua fl., N. by the Lygii, at Asciburgius m., s. by the Danube, and w. by the Marcomanni.

Qcadiatii, a people of Alpes Maritime. In Vallee de Queyras.

Quadrata (Quadratum), I. a town of the Boii, Pannon., bet. Ad Flexum and Stailu-cum. II. of the Colapini, Pannon., oa Colapis fl., L., bet. Noviodunum and Ro-mula castrum (4). Voinich. III.ofGallia Cisalpina, on the Padus, at the confluence of the Ticinus.

Quadriates, a tribe of Caturiges, Alpes Maritime, N.w. of Vesulus m. About For-calquier.

Quadribtjrgium, a town of the Gugerni, Germ. II., on the Rhine, bet. Noviomagus and Burginatium.

Quarteuslocus, a town of the Nerrii, Belgica II., bet. Bagacum N.n.w. and Duronum s.

Quatuorsignani, an appellation of the Tarbelli, from the four cohorts stationed among them.

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