Scanned text contains errors.
The birth-place of the usurper Maximus.
RicMoroug/i. Rutdnium, a town of the Ordovices, Brit.,
bet. Mediolanum (12) and Uriconium (11).
Rygmana, Cilic., i. q. Arymagdus. Rynch^e, a town of Euboea. Ryssadium prom., a pr. of Libya, s. of
Magnus portus. Cape Blanco.
Saana, a town of Syria, near Damascus, N. SeneiaA.
Saba (Sabatha, Sabas), I. capital of the Sabsei, in Arabia Felix, on Prion fl., towards its source, N. of Cane Emporium. ~’1′ Mareb. II. a town of Phazania, N.e. of Garama.
Sabadic* (Sabadibae) ins., three isl. of India e. Gangem, bet. Aurea Chersonesus and Jabadii ins. Inhabited by anthropophagi. Langan, SfC.
Sabadii, a people of Bactria, on the confines of Margiana, bet. the Scordi and Parapomisus m.
Sab^e, a city of the Colobi, on the Red sea, N. of Adulis.
Sabjs.*: ar^e, temples of the fire-worshippers, in Media, on the Caspian, bet. the Cambyses and the Cyrus. Howe-Lemur.
Sabjei (Siba), I. a people of Arabia Felix,
on the Red sea, bet. the Cassanitse and the
Homeritse. II. (Gabaei), a people of Persis
^ Prop., on the borders of Carmania, N.e. of
the Sazsei.
Sab^seon, a town of Pamphylia.
Sabagena, a town of Laviniasene Cap-padociee.
Sabai.e, a people of India i. Gangem, on Mana fl., L.
Sabalassds, a town of Sargarausene Cap-padocise.
Sabalingii, a people of Northern Germania, on Germanicus oc., s. of the Sigulones.
Sabana, a pr. of Aurea Chersonesus, w. above Malaci prom. Near Tantan Velha.
Sabaria, I. i. q. Savus. II. a town of the Boii, Pannon., bet. Mogetiana (36) and Scarabantia (34), on Guntia fl., L. A colonia of Claudius. Stein.
Sabarus fl., a r. of India, falling into the Ganges bet. Diamuna fl. and Soanus fl. Gttffra.
Sabata (Savo), I. a maritime town of the
Ingauni, Liguria, bet. Vicus Virginia and
Alba Docilia. Sanona. II. jEthiopise, i. q.
Saba. III. Arabiae, i. q. Mariaba. Sabate, a town of Etruria, on Sabatinus
lacus, s.w. bet. Ad Nonum and Forum
Claudii. Submerged by the lake. Sabatica regio, the district of Sabe, Arables. Sabatinca, a town of the Taurisci, Nori-
cum, on Murus fl., 18 m. N. from Monate.
Irdning. Sabatinus lacus, a lake of Etruria, at Sabate.
Logo di Bracciano. Sabatium, a town of the Caudini, in Sam-
nium, on Sabatus fl. Near Prato. Sabatka (Soatra), a town of Lycaonia, bet.
Laodicea and Coropissus, N.e. of Ico-
nium (25). Noted for its great deficiency
of water. Sabattha minas (Sabattra), a town of
Babylonia, s. of Seleucia. Sabatus fl., I. a r. of Samnium, falling into ‘ Calor fl. near Beneventum. Sabbato.
II. (Ocinarus), a r. of Bruttium, falling into Terinseus sin. s. of Tyllesium prom.
III. of Phoenicia, bet. Area and Raphansea.
Sabbis, a town of Mesopotamia, bet. Atra and Phalcara.
Sabe (Sabbia, Maryaba), I. capital of the Rhamanitae Sabasi, Arabiae, s. of Manambis Regia. The seat of Sheba, grandson of Cush. II. a town of Arabia, towards the Euphrates. The seat of Sheba, son of Jokshan. III. surnamed Regia, a town of Arabia Felix, w. of Sabatha.
Sabelli, i. q. Sabini.
Sabin^e, a town of Pisidia.
Sabini, a branch of the Umbri, settled originally about Testrina, and thence spreading over Picenum, Samnium, and the contiguous districts. Named from their god Sabus, the Medius Fidus of the Lathis. They were finally subjugated by Rome, 292 B.c. Sabinium Proper, as fixed by Augustus,.was bounded N. by Umbria at Fiscellus m., s. by Latium, w. by Etruria at the Tiber, E. by Picenum and the country of the Peligni.
Sabinium, vide Sabini.
Sabiri, a people of Colchis, N. of the Sa-gidse.
Sab¥ra, i. q. Savatra, Lycaoniae.
Sabis, I. (Sethis, Sandis) a r. of Carmania, i. q. Corius. II. a r. of Gaul, falling into the MosaatNamurcum. Sambre. III.(Sabo), a town of Carmania, on Corius fl.
Sabium, a town of the Triumpilini, Gallia Transp., on Cleusis fl. A municipium. Sabio.
Sablones, a town of the Gugerni, Germania II., s.w. of Mediolanum.