Scanned text contains errors.
Xaloth, a town of Samaria, w. of Csesarea Palestina.
Xanthus, I. a r. of Cestrine, in Epirus, falling into the Pelodes palus s. of Butb.-rotura. Saronia. II. prius Sibrus, Sir-bes, a r. of Lycia, falling into the Mediterranean 8 m. from Cydna. III. a stream of JEolis Asiat., falling into Elaeaticus sin., near Cyme. IV. a town of Lesbos ins. V. capital of Lycia, on Xanthus fl., 7£ n». from its mouth. Twice destroyed by its inhabitants to save it from hostile occupation. Hence came the Xanthian marbles. Aksenide.
Xaurus, a town of Macedonia.
Xenagor* (Enagora) ins., isl. of Lycia, off Phcenicus portus. Patara; Volo and Okendra.
Xenitana, vide Quiza.
Xexippa, a district of Sogdiana, on the borders of Scythia, about Alexandria Ultima.
Xera, a town of the Turtetani, Bsetica, bet. Asta Regia N.w. and Ceret S.s.e. Xera de la Frontera.
Xeradrus fl., a r. of India, falling into Indicus oceanus, towards the Indus. Sutly.
Xerxexe (Derxene), a district of Armenia Int., on Pyxirates fl., w. of Carenitis. Named from Xerxes. Terdschan.
Ximene, a district of Galatia, on Halys fl., R. Here were the salt-mines which gave name to that river.
Xiphomia, a town of Sicily, at Xiphonium prom. Augusta,
Xiphonium prom., a pr. of Sicily E., above Thapsus.
Xoana, a town of Paphlagonia, N.e. of Pompeiopolis.
Xois, I. an isl. of Lower Egypt, on the Sebennytic branch of the Nile, w. of Sebennytus. II. a town of Lower Egypt, on Xois ins.
Xuthia, a name from King Xuthus, of the Leontini Campi in Sicily.
Xylexopolis, a port of Gedrosia, near the mouth of the Indus.
Xyline, Pont., i. q. Archabis.
Xylocastrum, a fortress of Cilicia prefect., in Cappadocia.
Xylopolis, a town of Grestonia, in Macedonia, near the source of the Echedorus fl.
Xylus, a town of Caria.
Xymethus, a town of Cyrenaica, E. of Artamis.
Xynias lacus, a lake of Dolopia, in Thes-saly, s.w. of Pharsalus. L. Daoukli.
Xynias (Xynise), a town of Dolopia, in Thessaly, on the s. shore of Xynias lacus, on the confines of Aniania. Daoukli.
Xypete, olim Troja, a demus of Attica, of the tribe Cecropis, on Saronic. sin., s. of Alimus. Founded by Teucer.
Xystis, a town of Caria. -‘,;,
.;•- • z.
Zaa, a district of Tenesis, in ^Ethiopia, w. of Adulis.
Zaananxim, a city of Naphthali, N.e. of Kedesh.
Zaanax (Zenan), "place of the flock," a city of Judah, towards the sea.
Zaaram, a port of the Darrse, Arab., on the Red sea, 20 m. s. of Jambia. Djar.
Zaba, I. a district of Mauritania, about Sitifis. II. a town of India e. Gangem, near Magnum prom, Senasar.
Zabalus fl., Assyrise, i. q. Caprus.
Zabaz, a town of Aurea Chersonesus, at its s. extremity.
Zabbok fl., a r. of Persea, rising near Rab-bath Ammon, and falling into the Jordan s.w. of Amathus. The boundary of De-capolis N., and Ammonitis s. Zcrka.
Zabda, Mesopotamia, i. q. Bezabda.
Zabdicexe, a district of Armenia Maj., on Masius m., extending into Mygdoniaj Mesopotamia.
Zabes, " wolf," Assyrise, i. q. Lycus.
Zabiha (Sabala), a town of Arabia Felix, near Sesippi portus. Zebid.
Zaca, a maritime town of Numidia, bet. Muharur and Callucitanae.
Zacat^e, a people of Sarmatia Asiatica.
Zacynthus, I. an island of Peloponnesus, off Elis, 40 m. in circuit. Named after Zacynthus, son of Dardanus, the Arcadian. Within the territory of U1 ysses. Noted for its great fertility, its fine woods, and its pitch. Zante. II. its capital, on. the E. coast opposite Ephyre, in Elis. Zante.
Zadra.carta (Carta), capital of Hyrcania% on the confines of Media. Supposed to be the Tape of Strabo, and the Syrinx of Polybius. Zaryah.
Zadris (Surapona), a town of Colchis, on. Phasis fl., L., towards its source. Scha-rapani,
Zjea, a town of Bceotia. :"
Z^tia, a town of Arcadia, 2 m. N.w. from Tricoloni.