The following works are available here scanned in their entirety:
More: See the Bookshelf for all 14 scanned works, including the “Lost Loebs.”
Most recent additions: Halliday, Greek Divination (1913), G. M. Edwards, An English-Greek Lexicon (1930).
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LibraryThing. My newest site catalogs your books online. It uses the Library of Congress, not Amazon, so it even works on my 19th-century Latin/French prose composition books. My main ancient history site, with all my interests.
Some featured sites:
Cleopatra on the Web. Everything about Cleopatra VII, the great Egyptian queen. Includes over 168 images.
Herodotus on the Web. Guide to the over 200 resources pertaining to the Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus.
The Oracle of Delphi and Ancient Oracles. Delphi, Didyma, Dodona and other ancient oracles.
The Complete Petra. Images and text relating to the “lost” city of Petra in southern Jordan.
Hieroglyphics! Guide to anything anyone ever wanted to know about Egyptian hieroglyphics (hieroglyphs).