Lucian, with an English Translation by A. M. Harmon in eight volumes. Volume 3, 1921. Scanned by the Tim Spalding.
Lucian of Samosata (c. AD 120-180) was a celebrated author of witty essays and dialogues. Born in Samosata, in Syra, Lucian’s first language was probably Aramic but, like Conrad or Nabokov, he became famous for his works in another language. He is best known for his Dialogues of the Gods, Dialogues of the Dead and his Swiftian True History.
This edition of Lucian’s works comes from Loeb Classical Library, translated by A. M. Harmon with facing Greek text. Harmon’s translation is broken into eight volumes; at present, only volume 3 is online.
Note: The Google search box won’t work until Google finishes indexing this book.