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the classification of constitutions : the claims and character of oligarchy.
1. The Popular Classification of Constitutions …. 1
2. Classification of Constitutions by the Philosophers … 6
3. Oligarchy in a general sense ……. 15
4. Oligarchy in a special sense ……. 20
5. Polity ……….. 22
6. Aristocracy ………. 24
7. Aristocracy, Oligarchy and Polity …… 30
8. The basis of Oligarchy and Democracy ….. 31
9. The character of Democracy ……. 33
10. The character of Oligarchy ……. 35
11. Material claims of the Oligarch …… 38
12. Moral claims of the Oligarch ……. 39
CHAPTER II. the causes of constitutional change.
13. The Variety of Greek Constitutions …… 46
14. The Causes determining the form of a Constitution… 46
15. Changes of Constitutions effected from within…. 48
16. Changes of Constitutions effected from without … 61
17. Constitutions in the Colonies ……. 63
18. The influence of Athens and Sparta…… 64
19. The admiration for the Spartan Constitution …. 67
20. Lawgivers ………. 59
CHAPTER III. the historical development of constitutions.
91. The origin of Constitutions ……. 63
22. The Heroic Monarchy …….. 63
23. Transition from Monarchy to Aristocracy …. 68
24. Changes of Government incident on the Establishment of
Aristocracy. ……… 71