The Ancient Library

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On this page: Eurysaces – Eurystheus – Eurytus – Eusebius – Eusthathius – Euterpe – Euthyna



combat. In the later story he appears in connexion with the worship of Dionysus. At the division of the Trojan spoil he re­ceived an image of Dionysus, made hy Hephaestus, and presented to Dardanus. This had been kept in a chest as a Palladium. When Eurypylus opened the chest and be­held the image he fell into a madness. The Delphic oracle promised that he should be healed if he dedicated the image in a spot where men offered barbaric sacrifices. Ac­cordingly he dedicated it at Arde in Achaia, where an offering of the fairest youth and fairest virgin was made annually to Arte­mis. The bloody act was abolished, and the gentle service of Dionysus introduced in its place.

Eurysaces (Eurysakes). Son of Ajax and Tecmessa. See ajax (2).

EurystheuB. Son of SthSnelus and Nicippe. (See perseus.) He was king of Mycenae, and through the cunning of Hera got power over Heracles, and imposed upon him the celebrated twelve labours. In pur­suing the children of Heracles, and attempt­ing to bring about by force their expulsion from Attica, he was defeated and slain in his flight by Hyllus. (See hyllus.)

Enrytus. (1) Son of Melaneus, father of Iphltus and of I6le, king of (Echalla in Thessaly or Messenia. According to a later story he dwelt in Eubcea. He was one of the most famous archers in anti­quity. According to Homer he ventured to challenge Apollo to a contest of skill, and was slain in his youth for his pre­sumption. In the later story he and his son Iphitus are slain by Heracles, his former disciple in archery, for having in­solently refused him his daughter lole in marriage. (See heracles.) Iphitus gave his bow to Odysseus, who slew the suitors with it.

(2) One of the MdliOnldcR (see molionid^e).

Euseblus. The father of ecclesiastical history. He was born at Csesarea in Phoe­nicia in 264 a.d. In 315 he became bishop of that city, and died in 340. He was one of the most learned men of his time, and holds a high position both among the his­torians and the apologists of Christianity. His greatest work is his Church History. This work is in ten books, beginning with the rise of Christianity, and coming down to 314 a.d. It was ranch used by later writers, and was, about 403 a.d., translated into Latin by Tyrannius Ruflnus of Aqullela, who con­tinued it down to the death of Theodosius (a.d. 395). The apologetic writings of

Ensebius are the PfoeprtrStK Eoangellca in fifteen books, and the DlmonstratW EvangSlfca in twenty. They are both, but especially the former, a rich storehouse of information on antiquity, particularly on the philosophy and religion of the Greeks. Of still greater importance is his Chronicle (Chrdnlcdn), a work founded upon extracts from the now lost writings of previous historians. Its first book, the Chrdnd-graphla, contains a general ethnographical history of the world, arranged from the creation to 325 a.d. The second, called the Chronological Canon, consisted of parallel chronological tables of the names of rulers and the most important events since 2017 b.c. Only fragments of the original work remain; but we have both books in an Armenian translation, and the second in the Latin version of HliSronymus. Among the other works of Eusebius we may mention: (1) A sketch of the topo­graphy of Palestine, in two books. The second alone survives, both in the original and in the translation of Hieronymus. (2) A biography, in four books, of the emperor Constantine, who had shown favour to Eusebius and had been baptized by him. This work is strongly coloured by personal feeling. (3) A panegyric on Constantine.

Enstathlus. (1) Eustathius Mdcrem-bdltta, a Greek writer of romance. He was a native of Constantinople, and be­longed to the upper class. His floruit is perhaps to be assigned to the 9th century a.d. He was the author of a rather tasteless love story, in eleven books, about Hysminlas and Hysmlne.

(2) Eustathius of Constantinople, ap­pointed archbishop of Thessalfinlca in 1160 a.d. Previously to this he had been a deacon, and professor of rhetoric in his native city, and had written a compre­hensive commentary on the Homeric poems. The commentary, which is characterized by learning remarkable for that age, is made up of extracts from older writers, and is therefore of great value. A commentary by the same author on Dlonyslus Pgrlegetes, and a preface to a commentary on Pindar, have also survived. Euterpe. See muses. Euthyna (a giving of account). All officials at Athens without exception were bound, at the expiration of their term of office, to give an account of their adminis­tration. The authorities to whom it was given were the LSgistce, supported by ten Euthynl. (See looist.e.) Within thirty

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