The Ancient Library

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On this page: Hera (continued)



position as Athene at Athens, and the year was dated by the names of her priestesses. Between these cities was situated the

(1) FARNESE HERA. (Naples Muaeam.)

(2) LUDOVISI HEBA. (Rome, Villa Ludoviai.)

garment was offered her every five years by sixteen ladies chosen for the purpose, and the maidens held a race in her honour on the race-course at Olympia. Bceotia had its feast of the DcedMa (see d^dala) ; Samos its large and splendid temple, built by the famous Polycrates. The cuckoo was sacred to her as the messenger of spring, the season in which she was wedded to Zeus; so were the peacock and the crow, and among fruits the pomegranate, the symbol of wedded love and fruitfulness. Hecatombs were offered to her in sacrifice, as to Zeus.


(Rome. Vatican.)

Herseum (HeraiSn), a temple held in great honour (see her^ea). At Corinth she was the goddess of the stronghold. At Ells a ! a sceptre with the cuckoo on the top. Th«

In works of art she is represented as seated on a throne in a full robe, covering the whole figure. On her head is a sort of diadem, often with a veil; the expression of the face is severe and majestic, the eyes large and wide open, as in the Homeric description. The ideal type of Hera wae found in the statue by PSlyclitus in the temple at Argos. This was a colossal image, in gold and ivory, representing the goddess on her throne, her crown adorned with figures of the Graces and the Seasons, a pomegranate in one hand, and in the othef

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