The Ancient Library

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On this page: Addictio – Addix – Adeia – Ademptio – Adgnati – Adgnatio – Aditio Hereditatis – Adjudicatio – Adlecti – Adlector – Admissionales – Adolescens – Adonia – Adoptio



taken from originals in bronze, vary in length from an inch and a half to about eight inches.

Pins were made not only of metal, but also of wood, bone, and ivory. They were used for the same purposes as with us, and also in dressing the hair. (Mart. xiv. 24.) The mode of platting the hair, and then fastening it with a pin or needle, is shown in the annexed figure of a female head, taken from a marble group which was found at Apt, in the south of France. (Montfaucon, Ant. SuppL iii. 3.) This fashion has been con-

tinued to our own times by the females of Italy, and of some parts of Germany, as for instance, in the neighbourhood of Coblenz.



ADDIX (&58i£, &5&£is), a Greek measure of capacity, equal to four %oti/iKes. (Hesych. s. v. ; Schol. ad Horn. Od. 19.) [P. S.]

ADEIA (#5em), freedom from fear, or security, in any public action. When any one in Athens, who had not the full privileges of an Athenian citizen, such as a foreigner, a slave, &c., wished to accuse a person of any oifence against the people, he was obliged to obtain first permission to do so, which permission was called adeia. (Plut. Pericl. 31.) An Athenian citizen who had incurred atimia, was also obliged to obtain adeia, before he could take part in public affairs (Plut. PJioc. 26) ; and it was not lawful for any one to propose to the people, that an atimus should be restored to his rights as a citizen, or that a public debtor should be released from his debt, till adeia had been granted for this purpose by a decree passed in an assembly of 6000 citizens voting secretly by ballot. (Dem. c. Timocr. p. 715; Andoc. de Myst. p. 36 ; Bockh, Public Economy of ‘Athens, p. 392, 2d ed,)

ADEMPTIO. [legatum.]

ADGNATI. [cognati.]

ADGNATIO. [herbs ; testamentum,]



ADLECTI or ALLECTI. 1. Those who were chosen to fill up a vacancy in any office of colle­gium, and especially those who were chosen to fill up the proper number of the senate. As these would be generally equites, Festus (s. v.) defines the adlecti to be equites added to the senate : anol he appears in this passage to make a difference be­tween the adlecti and conscripti. But they were probably the same ; for in another passage (s. v. conscripti he gives the same definition of the con-


scripti as he had done of the adlecti., and Livy (ii. 1) says conscriptos in novum senatum appellabant lectos.

2. Those persons under the empire who were admitted to the privileges and honours of the prae-torship, quaestorship, aedileship, and other public offices, without having any duties to perform. (Capitolin. Pertin. 6.) In inscriptions we con­stantly find, adlectus inter tribunos, inter quaestores, inter praetores, &c.

ADLECTOR, a collector of taxes in the pro­vinces in the time of the Roman emperors. (Cod. Theod. 12. tit. 6. s. 12.)

ADMISSIONALES were chamberlains at the imperial court, who introduced persons to the presence of the emperor. (Lamprid. Sever. 4 ; officium admissionis, Suet. Vesp. 14.) They were divided into four classes ; the chief officer of each class was called proximus admlssionum (Amm. Marc. xxii. 7) ; and the proximi were under the magister admissionum. (Amm. Marc. xv. 5 ; Vop. Aurel. 12.) The admissionales were usually freedmen. (Cod. Theod. 6. tit. 2. s. 12 ; tit. 9. s. 2 ; tit. 35. s. 3.)

Friends appear to have been called amid admls-sionis primae, secundae, or tertiae. According to some writers, they were so called in consequence of the order in which they were admitted ; accord­ing to others, because the atrium was divided into different parts, separated from one another by hangings, into which persons were admitted ac­cording to the different degrees of favour in which they were held. (Sen. de Benef. vi. 33, 34, Clem. i. 10.)

ADOLESCENS. [!npans.]

ADONIA (‘A5c6*>ia), a festival celebrated in honour of Aphrodite and Adonis in most of the Grecian cities, as well as in numerous places in the East. It lasted two days, and was celebrated by women exclusively. On the first day they brought into the streets statues of Adonis, which were laid out as corpses ; and they observed all the rites customary at funerals, beating themselves and uttering lamentations. The second day was spent in merriment and feasting ; because Adonis was allowed to return to life, and spend half of the year with Aphrodite. (Aristoph. Pax, 412, Schol. ad loc. ; Plut. Alcib. 18, Me. 13.) For fuller particulars respecting the worship and festi­vals of Adonis, see Diet, of Biogr. s. v. Adonis.

ADOPTIO, adoption. 1. greek, was called by the Athenians ela-Troi^cris, or sometimes simply iroirjcris or frecris. The Greek writers use S-eVts also as equivalent to the Roman adoptio, and &eroi as equivalent to adoptivi. (App. B. C. iii. 13, 14.) The adoptive father was said iroielff&ai, €t(nroi€?~ (rdaij of sometimes irotelV: and the father or mother (for a mother after the death of her husband could consent to her son being adopted) was said €K7rofe2V: the son was said e/c7roieT<r0c«, with re­ference to the family which he left; and eiV-Trote?-<r0ai, with reference to the family into which he was received. The son, when adopted, was called Troij]r6s, 6t(T7rot7jT^s, or &er6s: in opposition to the legitimate son born of the body of the father, who was called yvfjffios.

A man might adopt a son either in Ms lifetime or by his testament, provided he had no male off­spring and was of sound mind. He might also, by testament, name a person to take his property, in case his son or sons should die under age. (Dem.

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