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On this page: Chloeia – Choenix – Choes – Choregia – Choregus



remains of ancient art of every description, show in how high a degree the scarf contributed, by its endless diversity of arrangement, to the display of the human form in its greatest beauty ; and Ovid has told us how sensible the ephebi were of its advantages in the account of the care bestowed upon this part of his attire by Mercury. (Met. ii. 735.) The aptitude of the scarf to be turned in every possible form around the body, made it use­ful even for defence. The hunter used to wrap Ms chlamys about his left arm when pursuing wild animals, and preparing to fight with them. (Pol­lux v 18; Xen. Cyneg. vi. 17.) Alcibiades died lighting with his scarf rolled round his left hand instead of a shield. The annexed woodcut exhibits a figure of Neptune armed with the trident in his right hand, and having a. chlamys to protect the left. It is taken from a medal which was.struck in commemoration of a naval victory obtained by Demetrius Polioreetes, and was evidently designed to express his sense of Neptune’s succour in the conflict. When Diana goes to the chase, as she

does not require her scarf for purposes of defence, she draws it from behind over her shoulders, and twists it round her waist, so that the belt of her quiver passes across it, as shown in the statues of this goddess in the Vatican (see woodcut).

It appears from the bas-reliefs on marble vases that dancers took hold of one another by the chlamys, as the modern Greeks still do by their scarfs or handkerchiefs, instead of taking one an­other’s hands.

Among the Romans the scarf came more into use under the emperors. Caligula wore one en­riched with gold. (Suet. Calig. 19.) Alexander Severus, when he was in the country or on an expedition, wore a scarf dyed with the coccus


(chlamyde coccmea, Lamprid. Al. Scv. 40 ; compare Matt, xxvii. 28, 31). [J. Y.]

CHLOEIA or CHLOIA (x<*«a or x^£«), a festival celebrated at Athens in honour of Demetcr Chloe, or simply Chloe, whose temple stood near the Acropolis. (Hesych. s. v. %Aoia ; Athen. xiv, p. 618 ; Sophocl. Oed. Col. 1600, with the Scho­ liast ; Paus. i. 22. § 3.) It was solemnized in spring, on the sixth of Thargelion, when the blos­ soms began to appear (hence the names %^^ ari<l %A^eia), with the sacrifice of a goat and much mirth and rejoicing. (Eupolis, apud Scliol. ad Soph. Oed. Col. 1. c.) [L. S.]

CHOENIX (%om£), a Greek measure of ca­ pacity, the size of which is differently given ; it was probably of different sizes in the several states. Pollux (iv. 23), Suidas, Cleopatra, and the frag­ ments of Galen (c. 7, 9) make it equal to three cotylae, or nearly 1^ pints English ; another frag­ ment of Galen (c. 5), and other authorities (Pane- ton, Metrolog. p. 233) make it equal to four cotylae, or nearly 2 pints English ; Rhemnius Fannius (v. 69), and another fragment of Galen (c. 8) make it eight cotylae, or nearly 4 pints English. (Wurm, De Pond, et Metis. &c,,pp. 132., 142,199; Husscy, Ancient Weights, <fcc. pp. 209, 214.. [P. S.]

CHOES (x<*es). [dionysia.]

CHOREGIA. [choregus.]

CHOREGUS (xojO??7o’s), one who had to dig charge the duties of the Choregia (x°P7)7/la’)’ The Choregia was one of the most expensive of the or­dinary or encyclic liturgies at Athens. [leitur-gia.] The choregus was appointed by his tribe, though we are not informed according to what order. The same person might serve as choregus for two tribes at once (Antiph. de Choreida^ p. 768 ; Dem. c. Lept. p. 467) ; and after b. c. 412 a decree was passed allowing two persons to unite and undertake a choregia together, (Schol. ad Arist. Ran. 406.) The duties of the choregia consisted in providing the choruses for tragedies and comedies, the lyric choruses of men and boys, the pyrrhicists, the cyclic choruses, and the choruses of flute-players for the different religious festivals at Athens. When a poet intended to bring out a play, he had to get a chorus assigned him by the archon [chorus], who nominated a choregus to fulfil the requisite duties. The choregus had in the first place to get the choreutae. In the case of a chorus of boys this was some’ times a difficult matter, since, in consequence of the prevalent paederastia of the Greeks, parents were frequently unwilling to suffer their boys to be choreutae, lest they should be exposed to corrupt­ing influences .during their training. Solon, with the view of lessening the dangers to which they might be exposed, had enacted that choregi should be more than forty years of age. But the law was by no means rigidly observed. (Aesch. e. Timarch. p. 391.) If the boys could be obtained in no other way, compulsion was allowable. (An­tiph. 1. c.) Having procured the choreutae, the choregus had next to provide a trainer for them (XopoStSaovcc’Aos). It was of course a matter of great importance to get a good trainer. The ap­portionment of the trainers was decided by lot, that is, as Bockh imagines, the choregi decided by lot in what order they were to select the trainers, which was in fact the mode of proceeding with respect to the flute-player. (Dem. c. Meid. p. 519.) The choregus had to pay, not only tho

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