Scanned text contains errors.
proposed by L. Villius, tr. pi. b. c. 180 (Liv. xxv. 2, xl. 44.) According to this Lex a man might bo elected quaestor at the age of thirty-one, and consul at forty-three. [ViLLiA.]
There seems to have been also a Lex Pinaria on this subject. (Cic. de Orat. ii. 65.)
ANTONIA de thermensibus, about b. c. 72, by which Thermessus in Pisidia was recognised as Libera. (Puchta, Inst. vol. i. § 6.9 ; Dirksen, Bemcrkungen uber das Plebiscitum de Thennensibus.}
ANTONI AE, the name of various enactments proposed or passed by the influence of M. Antonius, after the death of the Dictator J. Caesar, such as the Judiciaria. [JuDEX. p. 650, a.] Another lex that was promulgated allowed an appeal to thepopu-1ns after conviction for Vis or Majestas. (Cic. Phil. i. 9.) Various other measures proposed by M. Antonius are mentioned by Cicero (Phil. i. 1, ii. 43, v. 3, 5), Dion Cassius (xliv. 51, xlv. 9, 20, 25, 34, xlvi. 23, 24), and Appian (Bell. Civ.m. 27, 30.)
APULEIA, gave a surety an action against his co-sureties for whatever he had paid above his share. [ intercession]
APULEIA AGRARIA, proposed by the tribune L. Apuleius Saturninus, b.c. 101. (Liv. Epit. 69 ; Appian, Bell. Civ. i. 29 ; Cic. pro Sestio, 16, 47.) ‘
APULEIA de coloniis deducendis (Cic. pro Balbo, 21).
APULEIA FRUMENTARIA, proposed about the same time by the same tribune. (Auct. ad Herenn. i. 12.) [frumentariae leges.]
AQUILIA [damni injuria actio.]
ATERNIA TARPEIA, b. c. 455. This Lex empowered all magistratus to fine persons who resisted their authority; but it fixed the highest fine at two sheep and thirty oxen, or two oxen and thirty sheep, for the authorities vary in this. (Cic. de Rep. ii. 35 ; Dionys. x. 50 ; Gell. xi. 1 ; Festus, 9. vv. Multam, Ovibus, Peculatus, Niebuhr, Hist, of Rome, vol. ii. p. 300.)
ATIA DE SACERDOTIIS (b.c. 63), proposed by the tribune T. Atius Labienus, repealed the Lex Cornelia de Sacerdotiis. (Dion Cass. xxxvii. 37.)
ATFLIA MARCIA, enacted b.c. 312, empowered the populus to elect sixteen tribuni mi-litum for each of four legions. (Liv. ix. 30.)
ATILIA. [julia lex et titia ; tutor.]
ATFNIA, allowed no usucapion in a stolen thing. (Gell. xvii. 7; Instit. 2. tit. 6. s. 2.)
ATPNIA, of uncertain date, was a plebiscitum which gave the rank of senator to a tribune. (Gell. xiv. 8.) The measure probably originated with C. Atinius, who was tribune b.c. 130. (Plin. //. AT. vii. 45 ; Cic. pro Domo, 47.) AUFFDIA.[ambitus; senatusconsultum.] AURE’LIA JUDICIA’RIA. [judex, p. 650, a.]
AURELIA TRIBUNICIA. [tribuni.] BAE’BIA (b. c. 192), which enacted that four praetors and six praetors should be chosen in alternate years (Liv. xl. 44) ; but the law was not observed. (Moyer, Orator. Roman. Fragm. p. 90. 2nd ed.)
CAECILIA DE CENSORIBUS or CEN-SO’RIA (b. c. 54), proposed by Metellus Scipio repealed a Clodia Lex (b. c. 58), which had prescribed certain regular forms of proceeding for the Censors in exercising their functions as inspectors of Mores, and had required the concurrence of both Censors to inflict the nota censoria. When a senator had been already convicted before an ordinary court, the lex permitted the Censors to remove him from the senate in a summary way. (Dion Cass. xl. 57, xxxviii. 13; Cic. pro Sestia, 25 ; Dig. 50. tit. 16. s. 203. De Portorio.}
CAECFLIA DE VECTIGALIBUS (b.c. 62), released lands and harbours in Italy from tho payment of taxes and dues (portoria}. The onty vcctigal remaining after the passing of this lex was the Vicesima. (Dion Cass. xxxvii. 51 • Cic. ad Att< ii. 16, ad Quint, i. 10.)
CAECFLIA DIDIA (b. c. 98), forbade the proposing of a Lex Satura, on the ground that the people might be compelled either to vote for something which they did not approve, or to reject something which they did approve, if it was proposed to them in this manner. This lex was not always operative. It also contained a provision that Leges must be promulgated " trinis nundinis " before they were proposed. (Cic. Phil. v. 3, pro Domo, 16, 20, ad Alt. ii. 9.) [lex and licinia junia.]
CAECILIA de P. sulla et P. autronio (Orellii Onomasticon).
CAELIA TABELLARIA. [tabellariae leges.]
CANULEIA (b. c. 445), established comui-bium between the Patres and Plebs, which had been taken away by the law of the Twelve Tables. (Liv. iv. 1, 4 ; Cic. de Rep. ii. 37.)
CASSIA (b. c. 104), proposed by the tribune L. Cassius Longmus, did not allow a person to remain a senator who had been convicted in a Judi-cium Populi. or whose Imperium had been abrogated by the populus. (Ascon. in Cic. Cornel. p. 78, ed. Orelli.)
CASSIA (Tacit. Ann. xi. 25), which empowered the Dictator Caesar to add to the number of tho Patricii, to prevent their extinction. (Compare Sueton. Caes. 41.) C. Octavius was made a patrician by this lex. (Sueton. Aug. 2.)
CASSIA AGRARIA, proposed by the consul Sp. Cassius, b.c. 486. (Liv. ii. 41 ; Dion}Ts. viii. 76.)
T VC* F*S "1
(b. c. 73) for the distribution of corn among the poor citizens and the purchasing of it. (Cic. Verr. iii. 70, v. 21.) [frumentariae leges.]
CINCIA LEX, or MUNERA’LIS. This lex was a plebiscitum passed in the time of the tribune M. Cincius Alimentus (b. c. 204), and entitled Da Donis et Muneribus (Cic. de Orat. ii. 71, ad Aft. i. 20 ; Liv. xxxiv. 4.) One provision of this law, which forbade a person to take anything for his pains in pleading a cause, is recorded by Tacitus (Ami. xi. 5), Nequisob causam orandam pecuniam