Scanned text contains errors.
terns of the form of written law, is obvious. However, what was actually received of foreign law could not be more than a few rules of an arbitrary nature, which in no way depend on the peculiar system of law of any country. The Jus Priva-tum was hardly and indeed could hardly fje affected by any rules of foreign law ; and as to resemblance between Roman Law and the Law of any Greek states, that is no ground for a conclusion that the Roman rules are derived from the Greek.
The fragments of the Twelve Tables have often been collected, but the most complete essay on their history, and on the critical labours of scholars and jurists, is by Dirksen, Llebei’siclttderbishcriyen Ver-suclie zur Kritik und Plerstellung des Textes der Zwolf-Tafel-Fragmente^ Leipzig, 1824. Zimmern’s Gesetiielite. Sec. contains references to all the authorities on this subject ; and Puchta’s Institutio?ien, &c. i. § 54, 55, 73, 78, some valuable remarks on them.
FABIA DE PLAGIO. [plagium.]
FABIA de numero sectatorum (Gic. pro Murenct) 34).
FALCIDIA. [legatum.]
F ANISI IA. [sumtuariae leges.] ” FA’NNIA. [junia de peregrinis.]
FLAMINIA, was an Agraria Lex for the distribution of lands in Picenum, proposed by the tribune C. Flaminius, in u. c. 228 according to Cicero, or in b. c. 232 according to Polybius. The latter date is the more probable. (Cic. A cad. ii. 5, de Scnect. 4 ; Polyb. ii. 21.)
FLAVJA AGRARIA, b. c. 60, for the distribution of lands among Pompeius’ soldiers, proposed by the Tribune L. Flavins, who committed the. Consul Caecilius Metellus to prison for opposing it. (Cic. ad Att. i. 18, 19 ; Dion Cass. xxxvii. 50.)
FRUMENTARIAE. [frumentariae leges.]
FUFIA. [aelia.]
FUFIA DE RELIGIONE, b. c. 61, was a privilegium which related to the trial of Clodius. (Cic. ad Att.i. 13, 16.)
FUFIA JUDICIARIA. [judex, p. 650, a., and the remarks in Orellii Onomasticon.~]
FURIA or FU’SIA CANI’NIA, limited the number of slaves to be manumitted by testament. [manumissio.]
FURIA DE FENORE (Gains, iii. 122).
FURIA DE SPONSORIBUS. [!nterces-sio.]
There were various Gabiniae Leges, some of which were Privilegia, as that (b. c. 67) for conferring extraordinary power on Cn. Pompeius for conducting the war against the pirates. (Cic. pro Lege Manil. 17 ; Veil. Pat. ii. 31 ; Dion Cass. xxxvi. 6 ; Plut. Pomp. 25.)
A Gabinia Lex, b. c. 58, forbade all loans of money at Rome to legationes from foreign parts (Salaminii citjn Romae versuram facere vellent, noil jpoterant, quod Lex Gabinia vetabat, Cic. ad A it. v. 21, vi. 1, 2). The object of the lex was to prevent money being borrowed for the purpose of bribing the senators at Rome. There was a Lex Gabinia intitled De Senatu legatis dando (Cic. ad Q, 13).
GELLIA CORNELIA, b. c. 72, which gave to Cn. Pompeius the extraordinary power of conferring the Roman civitas on Spaniards in Spain, with the advice of his consilium (de consilii sen-tentia, Cic. pro Balb. 8, 14).
GENIPCIA, b. c. 341, forbade altogether the taking of interest for the use of money. (Liv. vii. 42.) It is conjectured that Appian (Bell. Civ. i. 54) alludes to this law (Orellii Onomastico-ti). Other Plebiscita of the same year are mentioned by Livy (vii. 42).
GALLIAE CISALPINAE. [rubria.] HIERO’NICA was not a Lex properly so called. Before the Roman conquest of Sicilty, the payment of the tenths of wine, oil, and other produce had been fixed by Hiero, and the Roman quaestors, in letting these tenths to farm, followed the -practice which they found established. (Cic. Verr. ii. 13, 26, 60, iii. 6, &c.) HI’RTIA de pompbianis (Cic. Phil. xiii. 16.) HORA’TIA, proposed by M. Horatius, made the persons of the Tribunes, the Aediles, and others sacrosancti. (Liv. iii. 55.) [valeriae et Ho-
11 ATI A E.]
Another Lex Ploratia mentioned by Gelling (vi. 7) was a privilegium.
Another Lex Hortensia enacted that the nun-clinae, which had hitherto been Feriae, should be Dies Fasti. This was done for the purpose of accommodating the inhabitants of the country. (Macrob. i. 16 ; Plin. H. N. xviii. 3.)
HOSTILIA DE FURTIS is mentioned only in the Institutes of Justinian (iv. tit. 10).
ICILIA, intitled by Livy, De Aventino Pub-licando, was proposed by L. Icilius, tr. pi. b. c. 456. As to the object of this Lex, see the passages which are here referred to ; and particularly Dio-nysius, and the article superficies. (Liv. iii. 31, 32 ; Dionys. x. 32, 33 ; Niebuhr, Hist, of Rome, ii. p. 301 ; Puchta, Inst. ii. § 244.)
Another Lex Icilia, proposed by the Tribune Sp. Icilius B. c. 471, had for its object to prevent all interruption to the Tribunes while they were addressing the Plebs. In some cases the penalty was death. (Dionys. vii. 17 ; Cic. pro Sestio^ 37 ; Niebuhr, ii. p. 231.)
JULIAE, leges, most of which were passed in the time of C. Julius Caesar and Augustus.
de adulteriis. [adulterium.]
agraria is referred to by Suetonius (Jul. Caesar) c. 20), and in the Digest, De Termino Moto (47. tit. 21). But the lex of C. Caesar, referred to in the Digest, is probably a lex of Caligula. The Agraria lex of the dictator Caesar was passed b. c. 59, when he was consul. (Dion Cass. xxxviii. 1—7, &c. ; Appian, Bell. Civ. ii. 10 ; Veil. Pat. ii. 44 ; Cic. Phil. ii. 39, ad Att. ii. 16, 18 ; Rudorff, Lex Mamilia de Coloniis^ Zeii* sell-rift^ vol. ix.)
de ambitu. [ambitus.]
de annona. (Dig. 48. tit. 1. s. 1.)
de bonis cedendis. This lex provided that a debtor might escape all personal molestation from his creditors by giving up his property to them for the purpose of sale and distribution. (Gains,, iii. 78.) It is doubtful if this lex was passed in the time of Julius Caesar or of Augustus, though probably of the former. (Caesar, Bell. Civ, iii. 1 ; Sueton. Caes. 42; Tacit. Ann. vi. 16 ; Dion