The Ancient Library

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On this page: Manlia De Libertinorum – Manlia De Vicesima Manu – Marcia – Marcia – Marcia De Liguribus – Maria – Memmia – Mensia – Messia – Metflia – Minucia – Nervae Agraria – Ogulnia – Papfria – Papfria – Papfria – Papfria De Sacramento – Papfria Plautia – Papfria Poetelia – Papfria Tabellaria – Papia De Peregrfnis – Papia Poppaea – Pedia – Peducaea – Pesulania – Petillta De Pecunia Reg – Petreia – Petronia – Pinaria – Pinaria – Pla – Plaetoria – Plaetoria De Praetore U – Plautia


created the trumviri epiilones. (Liv. xxxiii. 42 ; Cic. de Or. iii. 19.) [LiciNiA.]

MANLIA DE LIBERTINORUM SUF-FRA’GI1S'(B. c. 58 ; Ascon. in Mil p. 46.)


MARCIA probably about the year b.c. 352 " ad versus feneratores." (Gaius, iv. 23 ; Liv. vii. 21.)

MARCIA DE LIGURIBUS. (Liv. xlii. 22.)

MARCIA an agrarian law proposed by the tribune L. Marcius Philippus, b.c. 104. (Cic. de Of. i. 21.)

MARIA proposed by Harms when tribune b.c. 119, for narrowing the pontes at elections. (Cic. de Leg. iii. 17 ; Plut. Mar. 4.)

MEMMIA or RE’MMIA. [calumnia.]

MENSIA. This lex enacted that if a woman who was a Roman citizen (civis Romance) married a peregrinus, the offspring was a peregrinus. If there was connubium between the peregrinus and the woman, the children, according to the principle of connubium, were peregi’ini, as the legal effect of connubium was that children followed the condition of their father (liberi semper patrem sequuntur), If there were no connubium, the children, ac­cording to another rule of law, by which they fol­lowed the condition of the motber, would have been Roman citizens; and it was the object of the lex to prevent this. (Gaius, i. 78 ; Ulp. Frag. v. 8.)

MESSIA. (Cic. ad Ait. iv. 1.)

METFLIA. (Liv. xxii. 25 ; Plut. Fdbius, c. 0.)

MINUCIA, b.c. 210, created the triumviri mensarii. (Liv. xxiii, 21.)

NERVAE AGRARIA (Dig. 47. tit. 21. s. 3. § 1), the latest known instance of a Lex.


OGULNIA, proposed by the tribunes b. c. 300, increased the number of Pontifices to eight and that of the augurs to nine ; it also enacted that four of the Pontifices and five of the augurs should be taken from the plebes. (Liv. x. 6—9.) O’PPIA. [SuMTUAimE leges.J O’RCHIA. [SuMTUARiAE leges.] OVFNIA, of uncertain date, was a plebiscitum which gave the censors certain powers in regu­lating the lists of the senators (ordo senatorius} : the main object seems to have been to exclude all improper persons from the senate, and to prevent their admission, if in other respects qualified. (Festus, s. v. Prafiteriti Senatores; Cic. de Leg. iii. 12.) The Lex Ovinia of Gaius (iv. 109), if the reading is right, was a different lex.

PAPIA DE PEREGRFNIS. [junia de peregrinis.]

PAPIA POPPAEA. [juliab.] A Lex Papia on the manner of choosing the Vestal Virgins is mentioned by Gellius (i. 12) ; but the reading appears to be doubtful, and perhaps it ought to be called Lex Popilia.

PAPFRIA, or JU’LIA PAPI’RIA DE MULCTA’RUM AESTIMATIO’NE (b.c. 430) fixed a money value according to which fines were paid, which formerly were paid in sheep and cattle. (Liv. iv. 30 ; Cic. de Rep. ii. 35.) Gellius (xi. 1) and Festus (s. v. Pecidatus) make this valuation part of the Aternian law [aternia tarpeia], but in this they appear to have been mistaken according to Niebuhr. (Hist, of Rome, ii. p. 300.) PAPFRIA, by which the as was made semim-



cialis (Pirn. H. N. xxxiii. 3), one of the various enactments which tampered with the coinage.

PAPFRIA, b.c. 332, proposed by the Praetor Papirius, gave the Acerrani the civitas without the suffragium. It was properly a Privilegium, but is useful as illustrating the history of the extension of the Civitas Romana. (Liv. viii. 17.)

PAPFRIA, of uncertain date, enacted that no aedes should be declared consecratae without a Plebiscitum (injussu Plebis, Cic. pro Dom. 49).

PAPFRIA PLAUTIA, a Plebiscitum of the year b.c. 89, proposed by the tribunes C. Papirius Carbo and M. Plautius Silvanus, in the consulship of Cn. Pompeius Strabo and L. Porcius Cato, is called by Cicero (pro Archia^ 4) a lex of Silvanus and Carbo. (See civitas ; foederatae Civi-tates ; and Savigny, Volksschluss der Tafel von fleraclea, Zeitschrift, ix.)


PAPFRIA DE SACRAMENTO (Festus, 5. v. Sacr’amentum), proposed by L. Papirius, Tri-bunus Plebis, probably enacted that in the case, of the Legis actio sacramento, the money should not be actually deposited, but security should be given for it. (Puchta, Inst. ii. 161, note 101.)

PAPFRIA TABELLARIA. [tabellariab leges.]

PEDIA, related to the murderers of the Dic­tator Caesar. (Veil. Pat. ii. 69.)

PEDUCAEA, b.c. 113, a Plebiscitum, seems to have been merely a Privilegium and not a ge­neral law against Incestum. (Cic. de Nat. Deor. iii. 30 ; Ascon. in Cic. Mil. p. 46.)

PESULANIA provided that if an animal did any damage, the owner should make it good or give up the animal. (Paul. S. R. 1. tit. 15. s. 1.3.) There was a general provision to this effect in the Twelve Tables (Dirksen, UebersicJtt, &c. p. 532, &c.), and it might be inferred from Paulus that this Lex extended the provisions of the old law to dogs. The name of the lex may be uncertain. See the note in Arndt’s edition of Paulus.


PETREIA, a Lex under this title, de decima-tione militum, in case of mutiny, is mentioned by Appian (de Bell. Civ. ii. 47), according to the old editions. But the true reading is Trarpia) vo^y.

PETRONIA, probably passed in the time of Augustus, and subsequently amended by various senatusconsulta, forbade a master to deliver up his slave to fight with wild beasts. If, however, the master thought that his slave deserved such a punishment, he might take him before the autho­rities (judeoe} who might condemn him to fight if he appeared to deserve it. (Dig. 48. tit. 8. s. 11. 18. tit. 1. s. 42 ; Gell. v. 14 ; Puchta, Inst. i. § 107, note 101 ; Savigny, Zeitschrift, ix. p. 374, on the inscription found on a wall of the amphitheatre of Pompeii.)

PINARIA (Gaius, iv. 15) related to the giving of a Judex within a limited time. (See Puchta, Inst. i. § 53.)

PINARIA. [annales leges.]

PLAETORIA. [curator.]

PLAETORIA DE PRAETORE UR-BA’NO. (Varro, de Ling. Lat. vi. 5 ; Cerisorinus, de Die Natali, c. 24.)


PLAUTIA or PLO’TIA JUDICIA’RIA is mentioned by Asconius (in Cic. Cornel, p. 79) aa

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