Scanned text contains errors.
Actors (Greek) 6" 11, a.
„ (Roman), 6*12, a. Adoption (Greek). 14, b.
„ (Roman), 15, b. Advocate, 1084, a. Adze, 141, b Altar, 116, a; 153, b. Ambassadors, 677, b. Anchor, 791, a. Anvil, 634, a. Aqueduct, 108, a. Arbitrator, 396, b. Arch, 124, b; 546, b. Archer, the, 151, a. Archers, 1002, a. Armour, 135, a. Arms, 135, a. Army (Greek), 481, a.
„ (Roman), 489, a. Arrow, the, 149, b. Arrows, 1001, a. Astronomy, 145, a. Auction (sale), 172, a. Axe, 1014, a. Axle, 378, a.
Bail (Greek), 460, b. ,, (Roman), 11, b. Bakers, 921, a. Balance, the, 151, a. Baldric, 196, a. Ball, game at, 543, a ; 9IS, a. Bankers, 130, a. Banishment (Greek), 513, a. „ (Roman), 515, b. fearber, 197, a Basket, 198, a. .Baths (Irreek), 184, a.
,, (Roman), 185, I), Bear, the great, 147, a.
„ the lesser or little, 1 47,
Bear-warden, the, 148, a. Beard, 196, b. Beds, 673, a; 1140, b. Beer, 268, b. Bell, 1133, b. Bellows, 543, a. Belt, 196, a.
Berenice, the hair of, 154, a. Bit (of horses), .548, a Boeotian constitution, 204, a. Books, 703, b Bookseller, 704, b. Boots, 366. a. Bottomry, 525, b.
Bow, 126, a. Boxing, 974, b. Brass, 25, a. Brazier, 542, a. Breakfast, 304, a. Bribery (Greek), 385, b.
„ (Roman), 77, a. Bricks, 668, a. Bridge, 936, b. Bridle, 548, a. Bronze, 25, a. Brooch, 531, b. Bull, the, 150, a. Burial (Greek), 555, b.
,, (Roman), 560. b.
Calendar (Greek), 222, a.
„ (Roman). 226, a. Cameos, 1010, b; 1181, a. Camp, 244, a.
,, breaking up of, 251, a; 256, a.
,, choice of ground for, 246, a.
,, construction of, 246, a.
., of Hyginus, 251, a
„ of Polybius, 245, b. Camp-oath, the, 249, b. Candle, 236, a. Candlestick, 236, a. Canvassing, 76, b. Capital (of columns), 324, a. Carpets, 1097, a. Cart, 923, a. Casque, 565, b. Ceilings, 432, a. Celt, 420, a. Censer, 11 74, b. Centaur, the, 153, b. Chain, °57, a. Chariot, 378, a; 476, a. Charioteer, the, 149, a. Chimneys, 426, a; 432, b. Chisel, 420, a. Cider, 1205, b. Circumvallation, 1183, a. Citizenship (Greek), 288, b. „ ( Roman), 29!, a. Claws, the, 151, a., Clerks (Athenian), 211, b;
577, b.
„ (Roman), 13, b. Clocks, 615, a. Coffins, 555, b; 559, b. Colony (Greek), 313, b
,, (Roman), 315, n. Column, 323, a. Combs, 881, a.
Comedy (Greek), 341, b.
„ (Roman), 845, b. Compass, 283, a. Constellations, 145, b. Cooks, 305, b. Cordage, 790., Corn crops, 54, a.
„ preservation of, 53, b. Couches, 671, b. Cowl, 372, b. Crab, the, 150, b. Cretan constitution, 365, a. Criers, 951, b. Crook, 881, b. Crops, 53. Cross, 370, b. Crow, the, 153, b. Crown, 359, a.
,, the northern, 148, b 163, a.
„ the southern, 153, b. Crucifixion, 37O. b. Cubit, 751, b-Cup, the, 153, b. Cymbal, 370, a; 381, a.
Daggers, 975, a; 1044, b. Dance, the Pyrrhic, 278, b. Dancing, 1004, I). Day, 408, a. Dice, 1112, b. Dice-box, 548, b. Dinner, 306, b. Dish, 257, b. Distaff, 565, a. Dithyramb, 1 141, a. Divorce (Greek), 418, a.
„ ( Roman), 418, a. Dog, the great, 152, b. „ the little, 152, b. Dolphin, the, 149, b. Door, 624, b. Dowry (Greek), 436, a.
„ (Roman), 437, a Dragon, the, 148, a. Drains, 46, b. Draughts, game of, 670, b, Drawers, 1075, a. Drum, 1180, a Dvnastv, 122, a.
»• *
Eagle, the, 149, b. Ear-ring, 632, a. Earthenware, 5^2 a. Eleven, the, 593, a.
4 K