The Ancient Library

Scanned text contains errors.


Ensigns, military, 1044, b. Eva, 281, b. Evil eye, 521, b. Executioner, 242, a.


Fan, 539, a.

Felting, 919, b.

Fences, .47, a.

Fire-place, 542, a.

Fish, the southern, 153, b.

Fishes, the, 151, b.

Floors of houses, 430, b.

Foot (measure of length),

751, b.

Fresco, 904, a Fringe, 537, a. Fuller, 551, b. Funerals (Greek), 554, b.

„ (Roman), 558, a. Furnace, 192, b; 546, a.


Gambler, Gaming, 74, b. Garden, 618, a. Gates of cities, 943, a. Girdle, 1224, b. Gladiators, 574, a. Glass, 1209, b. Goat, the, 151, b. Gold, 180, b. Granary, 618, a. Grea.ves, 822, a. Guards, 250, a,


Hair (Greek), 328,b.

„ (Roman), 329, b. Hammers, 726, a. Flare, the, 152, b. Harp, 1007, a. Harrowing, 52, a. Hatchet, 1014, a. Hearth, 542, a. Heir (Greek), 594, a.

„ (Roman), 598, a. Heliacal rising, 155, a,

„ setting, 155, b. Helmet, 565, b. Hemlock, 593, a. Heraclean tablet, 691, a. Hinge, 241, a. Hoe, 984, b : 1008, a. Hoeing, 52, a. Holidays, 528, a. Homicide, 896, b. Hoop, 1168, b, Horse, the little, 149, ‘), Hospitality, 619, a. Hour, 614, a. House (Greek), 423, b.

„ (Roman), 426, b. Hunting, 1186, a. Hunting-spear, 1186, a, Hurdle, 3b’8, b.


I. J,

Imprisonment, 21O, a. Informer, 388, b. Inheritance (Greek), 594, a.

„ (Roman), 598, a. Ink, 170, b. Inn (Greek), 258, a. „ (Roman), 258, b. Intaglios, 1010, b; 1181, b. Intercalary month, 227, b ;

228, b; 229. Interest of money (Greek),

524, b.

„ (Roman), 526, b. Isthmian games, 645, b. Italy, 318, a. Judges (Greek), 369, b ; 401,

b ; 483, a. „ (Roman), 646, b.


Kids, the, 149, a; 163, a. Kiln, 546, a. King (Greek), 990, a. „ (Roman), 991, a. Kitchen, 428, b. Kite, the, 154, a. Knife, 373, b.

Knights (Athenian), 266, a. „ (Roman), 47 1, a. Knockers, 627, a.


Ladders, 788, a; 1009, b. Lamps, 713, a. Lanterns, 669, a. Law, 681, b ; 803, b. Legacy, 675, a. Legion, 490, a. Leguminous crops. 57, a. Letter-carrier, 1091, a. Levy, 499, a. Library, 202, a. Light-house, 895, a. Link, 553, a. Lion, 150, b. Litters, 671, b. Liturgies, 679, a. Looking-glass, 1052, a. Loom, 1099, a. Lots, 1051, b. Luncheon, 306, a. Lyre, the, 148, b; 156, b.


Mamertine, 240, b. Manuring, 50, a. Marriage (Greek), 735, b. „ (Roman), 740, a. Masks, 889, b. Masts, 1789, a. Meals (Greek), 303, a.

Meals (Roman), 306, a. Measure, 750, b. Measures of land, 46, b. Medicine, 745, b. Mercenary soldiers, 758, a ;

1223, b. Mile, 762, b.

Mile-stones, 762, b; 1193, a. Mills, 765, a. Mines, 1184, a. Mint, 766, a. Mirror, 1052, a. Money, coined, 808, b.

„ (Greek), gold, 181, a.

„ (Roman), „ 182, a. Month (Greek), 223.

„ (Roman), 226, 227. Mortars, 768, b. Mosaics, 431, a; 915, a. Mourning for the dead, 557,

b ; 562, b. Moustaches, 780, a. Music (Greek), 772, b. „ (Roman), 779, b.


Names (Greek), 800, a.

„ ( Roman), 800, b. Necklaces, 767, b. Nemean games, 794, b. Nets, 988", b. Notary, 1091, a; 1092, b.


Oars, 788, a.

Oath (Greek), 659, b.

„ (Roman), 661, b. Obelisks, 816, b. October-horse, 880, a. Officers, duty of, 249, b.

„ parade of, 250, a. Olympiad, 883, a. Olympic games, 828, a. Oracles, 836, b. Orders of architecture, 325

326, b ; 327, b. Organ, 622, b. Organist, 622, b. Ostracism, 514, a. Oven, 546, a. Ounce, 1213, b.


Painting, 899, b. Paper, 703, b. Parasol, 1213, a. Parchment, 703. b. Partnership, 1094, a. Pay of soldiers, 1071, b. Pediment, 7, a. Pen, 220, a. Perfumes, 1214, a. Physicians, 747. Pipe, 1130, b.

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